The Dream's Tale

There are countless stories worth telling, and I wonder if “Midad” is the ink of one of them. My journey began when I was just a child in school, captivated by Arabic calligraphy. This passion led me to explore various forms of visual arts and to pen literary reflections, all intertwined as a single thread connecting these experiences. My quest was to create something innovative and unique, something that would bring me joy and satisfaction, something timeless. In the year 2000, I embarked on learning Arabic calligraphy under the tutelage of the late master, Sa’id Al-Ansari, for two years. After a long hiatus, I returned to the art world in 2013, immersing myself in the engraving workshop at the Artistic Creativity Center. I began experimenting with the Kufic square script, and from my initial endeavors, we have now reached over seven distinct formations and dozens of designs adorned with Arabic calligraphy and Islamic art.

Midad's Dream

When the government official responsible for company registration informed me that the name I had chosen was already registered by another company, I returned, heart heavy with the name that had accompanied me for months in my budding project. Two days later, I returned with the name “Midad”. I chose “Midad” as a synonym for ink, an ancient Arabic word equivalent to ink, often referred to as “Midad of the pen”. This term is even mentioned in the Holy Quran: “Say, if the sea were ink for [writing] the words of my Lord, the sea would be exhausted before the words of my Lord were exhausted.” I was determined not to take the easy route. While it would be simple to provide customers with whatever they desire, to become a jewelry store chasing the latest trends for easy sales, I chose the more challenging path in a small, highly competitive market.

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